
Welcome to the Bantermen!

TL;DR: we’re two hipster jesters in a pod!

We are Navin and Rishi, just two guys talking about things that interest us, mostly to amuse one another and occasionally to learn something! We’ll do this in conversation with each other and maybe some guests. These will be Freewheeling conversations about things that interest and fascinate us. Each of us draws on our hobbies/ interests and the other takes more of a curious person role. (We take turns being Socrates and Plato if you want to be high falutin about it).

Navin and Rishi working hard to bring you The Bantermen!

Rishi is an almost 40 year old IT guy who wasn’t done dealing with his quarter life crisis when mid-life hit him. Buying a cherry red convertible to cope was too costly, so instead he blogs, podcasts, quizzes, runs, photographs his cat, and takes prodigious sips from what he thought was the cup of life but turned out to be a decanter of gin.

Navin is a photographer and storyteller with a corporate career, a government job and various entrepreneurial ventures in the rear view mirror. With vague pretensions of being a writer, his current interests lie in gin, comics, quizzes and long, often pointless conversations, not necessarily in that order.